parents from another grandparents

1st mail =>

Pee phong write. pee noi stay near. We miss you and thank you for e-card it very sweet.
What are you doing on new year? have plan pee phong and pee noi stay in Bangkok
because the people go out of bangkok (go to home town). The traffic not jam is easy to go in Bangkok.In Indonesia like this. How about your learn?(university)
Kin krow ru youn? sab mai."
"i miss you , I'll never forget you"
-Pee Phong and Pee Noi-
My Parents :) Pee Phong and Pee Noi

*smile, and suddenly my mind flying back in the december rain. the first time i met them :) my beloved archery athletes.

12-22 december 2011, i'm a lucky one. i've choosen as Liaison Officer of Thailand-archery team when 6th Asean Paragames held in SoLo.

I have responsible to "guide" 11 athletes and 3 coaches for 10 days.
I found new friends..
I found new teachers..
and I found new family..

w/ leeya (LO from Thailand), volunteers, Pee Wimon and Pee Suthi

Kirab Budaya Asean Paragames

every morning, we wait suttle bus and go to Sriwedari stadium for competition. when they started to shoot, I shouted alloud : "THAILAND CHUK DEE!! SU SU!!" (GOOD LUCK AND STAY SPIRIT FOR THAILAND) i've flowed in atmosphere, it was feel i'm a "thai" XD .

w/ Mr.Bee (offical of thailand team), Pee suthi, Mr.Thai (thai comedian), and mbak Rita (LO of Malaysia)

they look happy when i yelled at them. "Go Thailand!!!"
One question that i still remember , when pee phong and pee noi asked me : "Penny, have you ever sad? you always smile and laugh" it's simple question but has deep impact in my life. :)

every afternoon, i waited for lunch box with another LO. We only met for a couple day before we become closefriend. I also missing my new sisters and brother so much!
w/ mba tyas (LO for Filiphina) , mba rita (LO for Malaysia)

Charlie-Angels XD
w/ maz Desta (LO for Indonesia)

every evening, I have simple conversation with my athlete, we told about our self, about our daily life, they teach me simple conversation in thai, etc. :)

and every night they always send me short message : "good night, penny, thanks for today..see you tomorrow" and i could slept thight after read :)

23 dec 2011
I cried. sad. and empty.
The night before left, Pee Noi and some athletes washed my tear. all of them tried to make me smile. they gave me hugs, they gave me motivation, they gave me promise that someday, we'll meet again. :)

Yeah, our relation not only between guest and guide, but it more than what i guess before. they teach me how to speak thai, they teach me how to be a good girl, they teach me how to be strong, and they teach me how to thanks to God. We are team..we are familly :)

I've learnt many things from my athletes. all of them are difable but their spirit and soul is really greater than mine.

Billion thanks for 10 days ago. it will be one of the best experience in my life . Penny Luk Thailand arche team :)

"Don't Cry, Penny.. we'll meet again someday.." -Pee Add-

    Before flight to Thailand :'(



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